Stockholm Fashion Week by Dana Boyer

“Are you available to go to Stockholm for shows?” This is how this adventure begins. I have had the privilege of going to Stockholm last season, at the end of August, and I am eager to get back and play again. I accept and wait for a prep list from my mentor, Rudi Lewis, who is leading four shows: Cheap Monday, Ann Sofie Back, H&M and Tiger of Sweden. Before we arrive there are things to be sourced, wigs to wash, bags to pack! Once I am in the car to the airport with my friend and colleague Carolyn (who is Rudi’s first assistant), we smile and know we are on our way.

Day 1: We arrive off of our overnight flight with about two hours of sleep around 730am. Just a quick nap and I am off to Rudi’s studio to start cutting and styling 40 wigs! Our team starts and then Rudi and Carolyn are off to the Ann Sofie Back test. I stay to cut the fringe out in some of the wigs.


Day 2: Its Saturday and we have the day to cut away in the studio! Lists are made, Redken products are sorted, wigs are prepped- we are in full show mode. Rudi sends us out the door early to enjoy our Saturday night!


Day 3: Today there are three designer tests: Tiger of Sweden, Cheap Monday, and H&M. I stay to continue cutting and styling the Back show wigs while Rudi and Carolyn go to the first test. Rudi and Carolyn return from the first test and we start sorting out wigs for Cheap Monday’s show. I go along with Rudi for the H&M and Cheap Monday test and I return back to the apartment, ready for bed.

Day 4: Today is Monday and it is the first show for our team! Today is the Back show and we have finally cut, styled and boxed up all of the wigs. There are almost a dozen boxes with mannequin heads and wigs, plus a box of product from Redken, our kits and ourselves. We definitely need two minivans to the show!


Wigs waiting to go on heads! First we have about 23 wig wraps to do. In the middle of all of our prep, our venue loses power, and for once, not because of the blow dryers! There are power shortages on the island. Luckily it’s a show that requires very little hot tool styling!


Rudi hard at work, cutting away to make the beautiful details.


A model waiting to walk.

The show is a success and the Back team loves the wigs so much that they have requested to wear them for all of the post-show parties! We go back to the studio to start cutting away more wigs for the Cheap Monday show! And we lose power in part of the studio… There are a lot of iPhone flashlights, luckily we are able to cut in another area where we still have power, treading carefully with our blow dryers. It’s a late night but we finally finish all of the wigs, and pack wigs, products and kits for a double dose of shows on Tuesday.

Day 5: Today we are up EARLY to start the H&M show! I was able to sneak a quick pic on this beauty before leaving early to start on the Cheap Monday show! Rudi is lucky to have such great help 😉


I caught him instagramming in the background as well!

Off to Cheap Monday where there are more wig wraps and wigs that await us. This show has both men and women walking and there are large hats, caps, and a headscarf so lots of notes to take for the model list.


Rudi said the hair inspiration for this show was Gwyneth Paltrow as Margot Tennenbaum and he definitely nailed this look! Cheap Monday created a beautiful school dance vibe and the boys all got school dance hair to boot. I think I got a little emotional when they started playing Britney Spears (I blame the jetlag or maybe it was just that beautiful!).


Day 6: Last day of shows! Today I got to wake up without an alarm since the call time is 2p for Tiger of Sweden. Rudi led the show last season as well and there are always many models but a generous call time so we all get to enjoy the experience of working at a relaxed pace!



The hair looks amazing and I am always so grateful to work under such a creative man. Tiger of Sweden is the closing show for Stockholm Fashion Week, so it’s always so exciting when they start walking! For now, it’s time to say goodbye to this season in Stockholm! Now onto NYFW…


Me (l) and Carolyn (r) celebrating another successful Stockholm Fashion Week! Special thanks to Rudi Lewis for his generosity and to the amazing team that I get to work with in Stockholm! Hej då!
Instagram: @danawillcutyou

1 Comment
  1. The insiders look at the intensity and quantity of preparation required for the walks is amazing!
    We are very proud of you!