Ballet School: The Dew Lasts an Hour

So I’ve been getting real geeky on this album for a while now. We intend to bring you new music but it may not be right when it comes out, we have a lot on our plates. 

Before I copy and past something from a real interview/article, ill tell you my experience with this lovely band. I heard them or read about them rather, on brooklyn vegan a while back. The review cited Cocteau Twins, of which I’m a fan. This album was even released on Cocteau Twins record label Bella Union. I verified it. So…

The first song i listened to, i wasn’t a super fan of her voice, but that lasted only until the chorus, after that, i was in. Fully invested. The album really just keeps getting better. It seems to envelop me in some sort of liquid audio sauna. I love it so much that i have to make myself stop listening to it. 

I then caught them at a School Night performance by KCRW here in Los Angeles. They were so solid. I almost attacked her with unexpected creepy fandom but I restrained myself. I did say hi though, and she was super sweet. 

I have since forced it onto friends. Some love it, some cannot get used to her voice. They are idiots. Don’t be an idiot. Here is a great interview with them on

These are a couple of favorite songs of mine..

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