James Pecis, really cooi guy. Do I know him? No. Have I met him? No. So why should you believe me? I have no idea… I have read obscure interviews about James, talking about his skateboarding and veganism and all that jazz. There are definitely some “cool points” there, mostly for skateboarding since I am about as carnivorous as it gets. For me, its always about finding like-minded people in this weird industry I have chosen to be a part of. There are innumerable amounts of ridiculous, shallow, ego driven, douche bags in our vast hair world, so when people come around that I can relate to, I try to take the time to learn as much about their journey as possible. There have been many moments of wondering how the hell I even got myself to this point or how hair became such a big part of my life given my ridiculously uncool, unstylish, nerdy, past. Have I used enough commas yet? Dont despair, more to come. Check out this interview with James and see if you cant relate to him a little bit.
James Pecis for Into the Gloss
Also check out one of his editorials I posted a while back.
James Pecis for Vogue France
經過多番周旋,總算成功了過程如下:首先apple只退還我$110,我當然不滿.Apple的解釋是我的macbook是CTO,即不是standard package (e.g.訂機時加過RAM, HDD etc., 而我只是加左條DVI線…)最後apple願意收回我的舊機並全數退款現在我再在apple訂過一部新的,student dcoisunt多了一百元,還多送4GB ipod nano…雖然要重裝電腦,但還算有賺