The Bob With Fringe –

This is a great little article on where the bob is going. You may ask yourself… “Clint, why would I care about where the bob is going? It’s been countless millennia and it hasn’t gone anywhere? I got that Victoria Beckham bob, and then I got the Kate Gosling bob. I’ve got this bob thing covered! “Well let me tell you something. I hated both of those haircuts and they were just horrible versions of the same thing. That haircut needs to die. As the article points out… For the past 2 or so years, we have been dealing with pretty strong lines. Even if the haircut was textured beyond recognition they were pretty harsh haircuts. But as people mellow out and get that trendy, “green”, pretentious, hippie, oxymoronic mentality, you would imagine that the haircuts would soften out a bit. On that note I will leave you with this article… Oh, and I like this haircut. So you can totally come get one from me. – Clint Mattoni